"Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. " ~ James 1:2-3
The other day, we had bunches of errands to run. I had to get home from childbirth class, go to court to get my ticket waived, a visit with the midwife, a visit with the perinatalogist, laundry, groceries and a visit to the natural foods store for homeopathic anti-anxiety remedies. The day began out stressful but every time I walked out to our rental car, I had to smile:

Enterprise wanted to charge us about $60, Thrifty (if you can call it that) wanted $80 for only ONE full day. UHAUL, as you can clearly see, is $19.95 + mileage.
I love this shot of baby waving to us. What I can't figure out is if we are looking at a left hand or right (although it does make us think baby will have Tom's wide hands, instead of my narrower ones).
I think this picture of baby's profile is my favorite so far!
Hi baby!! You look a little alien-esque right now, but I am so happy to see you!
So I've been meaning to post pictures for some time now.
This one, I called "Smooshed." It still makes me a little sad, especially since finding a replacement has been so difficult. I'm sure I'll feel much better once I actually have a car. If you look in the bottom left corner you can see the hole that the Jeep's muffler left in my bumper. It's still hard to believe that 6 inches is the difference between a fender bender and a totaled car. *Sigh.*

This next set is all about getting ready for baby. Here you can see Erin and Betty painting the baby's room. And then you can see the semi-finished product. If you are curious, that is the "theme" of our nursery - bright colors, specifically those found in the mobile in the fifth picture.
Now, I also had some more baby pics, but the computer is being most disagreeable. When I can get them to download properly, I'll set them up here for you to see.