October Sky
This last Saturday, in the middle of October, we took a morning trip to Carolina Beach. The sun was shining, the sky a deep, gorgeous blue, the breeze cool, the water colder. We played Frisbee, “built” mounds of sand, collected shells and dipped our toes in the water. Tom climbed the lifeguard tower, after Harper discovered its steps and tried to climb it first. I, being a typically Momma, took loads of pictures – all of which highlight this brilliant October sky and the sun sparkling off the chilled ocean.
What a beautiful day!
Sunday, October 24, 2010 | | 0 Comments
Pumpkin Day

Saturday was Pumpkin Day at a local farm. We drove down in the morning, while it was still “cool” and parked in a field across the road. At the farm, Harper found pigs, chickens and goats. He played in a corn husk house (here he is, in the "teepee") and wandered around, falling in the long grass and dancing with Daddy to the banjo band. He was so enthralled by the farm we could hardly get a decent picture with him looking at the camera!
We left at lunchtime with fresh apples (one we didn’t pick ourselves – that was not an option, unfortunately), a homemade loaf of zucchini bread and a small pumpkin for Harper to play with until Halloween.
Happy Fall!
Sunday, October 17, 2010 | | 0 Comments
Fall Fail
Friday, after our rain drenched, street flooding, national news making week, I walked outdoors into what was clearly fall. The air was crisp and cool (for Wilmington) and I had visions of picking apples in an orchard, like we did the year we got married (and I did most years before that). Visions of cider and pumpkin cake donuts, orange and green speckled gourds in every grocery store, and a flavorful mix of Halloween and Harvest in every store.
Fall has failed this year. Or perhaps it is Wilmington that has failed Fall. JC Penney and Lowe’s have Christmas trees. The closest “You Pick” apple orchards are hours away. And perhaps, worst of all, after running errands to two different grocery stores, I could not find that essential fall staple – apple cider.
Wilmington, you make me sad.
Sunday, October 03, 2010 | | 1 Comments
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