Merry Christmas To Me…

Ah, wisdom teeth. I got mine taken out between Christmas and New Years. What a great way to spend a Christmas vacation…
However, I was rather thankful that all four of my wisdom teeth had erupted already, so it was just removing four teeth, not digging them out. I didn’t have to worry about nerves and sinuses being damaged and the probability of dry socket decreased significantly.
The actual extraction took less than 38 minutes (I was paying my co-pay at 12:26 and in the car at 1:04). The sedation wore off really quickly – I’ve heard others talk about being out of it all day long, and I was back to myself (I was going to say completely normal, but that would be misleading) by the time we got home. Granted, we had to pick up Harper and get my prescriptions, so that was about an hour.
Other than this picture right here, where I still have gauze in my mouth (this was taken right when we got home, so about an hour after surgery), I didn’t have any post-op swelling, or “chipmunk cheeks.” My pain and discomfort was easily manageable, and I didn’t get the dreaded dry socket.
I still feel the holes in my mouth and I’m not real sure if they ever fully close, but I feel just fine. All in all, it was considerably better than I had thought it would be. But still, not my favorite way to spend vacation.
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10/3665 years ago
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A wonderful place to eat, Beef N Barrel12 years ago
Cost of Prescriptions13 years ago
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